Farmers Markets & FarmStand
In 2025 you can find us on the first and third Saturdays of the month at TBD = vendor applications not yet available for 2025 season
In addition, our Bountiful FarmStand at 6421 East 13th Street is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1pm-5pm with fresh, hand-picked produce and floral bouquets, while they last!
​We love the culture of food and art in Indianapolis! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for other local venues where we'll be sharing the limelight with fellow, Indy fruit, vegetable, floral and art vendors.
Our growing practices

We can't grow healthy food without healthy soil, so we focus our efforts on building the best natural soil we can. We don't till because it disrupts life underground, killing worms and other active soil microorganisms, our beneficial helpers in the soil. We don't spray harmful chemicals or add artificial fertilizers to solve our farming challenges. Instead, we're learning nature's way of repairing imbalance and trying to farm within that framework.
Fourth Friday Family Farm Nights
Visit us on select Fridays to see how we grow! A few times each season, we open our doors to have a free night of fun, tour the gardens, shop our FarmStand, maybe some music, a fire, who knows! It's definitely a low-key way to experience Bountiful. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for those dates to open during the season.
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